Friday, June 13, 2008

Beading - Watch Bracelet

Monday, June 02, 2008

Some of the projects I did before I start this blog.

~ Toys ~

~ Cross-Stitch Projects ~

~ Crochet Projects ~

~ Beading Projects ~

X-stitch Zakka

Some of the zakka I hand sew before I start this blog.

Crocheted Zakka

Some crocheted zakka I made before I started this blog.

Zakka - Beading

Accessories I handmade before I started this blog using crystal beads.

Zakka - Toys

Toys I handmade before I started this blog.
A number shaker. I stuff a plastic bell and a 'shaker' in the cube. When you pull the ring, the cube will vibrate, thus shaking the bell at the same time. I also sew buttons according to each numbered side of the cube.

A alphabet chart. I hand sew felt pockets to a large piece of cloth. On each pocket is a low case alphabet. Some alphabets have pictures the represent them. This chart is used with a set of wooden upper case alphabet set we have.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

About Me

Hi and a very warm welcome to Sewing Love - my handmade things.

I enjoy doing little crafts with my kids and when I'm free, I sew bags and make accessories. Most of the time, I use old clothes or other unwanted items.

I do not own a sewing machine bought my first ever sewing machine (finally) in Nov 2010. I do not have any training in sewing. Hence, all my handmade stuff are hand-stitched before I have a sewing machine BUT still using trial and error method. :P

I do not take order to make things for sales. I only make things for my friends and family. Hence, the little hobby of mine stays just as a hobby for me at the moment till the time I wish to make some money out of it.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you will visit again!